You decide to let the call go to voice mail.
Whoever it is, you can just call them back later. You just want to relax and reflect for awhile. It’s how it always is every other day, but that’s okay. Maybe you can reflect on why you don’t do anything different.
Maybe you’ll do differently tomorrow. Maybe you’ll take Cathy up on her offer to talk about things. It’s been awhile since you’ve felt like anyone ever really wanted to talk, and maybe a talk will be just what you need. It’s a possibility.
There’s also the possibility that nothing will change. Maybe you’ll decide you don’t want to dive into what’s bothering you, and you’ll just keep to yourself.
Whatever happens, you know that you’re in control. You can try and reach out, and even if that doesn’t work, you can at least know you did your best. Maybe trying your best is all you can do. You’ve been doing everything half-heartedly, so doing your best will be something different.
It’ll be a start.
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