Name:  ________________________  College Forum Section:  ___ ___ R         Date:  ________________


Social Security Number:  ___  ___  ___  -  ___  ___  -  ___  ___  ___  ___  


1.  Current Curriculum:  ___ INS, or ___ LAR, or ____ ISP, or ___ FAR, or ___ Other _______________


2.  My goal, this semester, while in my current curriculum is to:

            ___  Earn credits toward an Associates Degree in it before going to work or transferring

            ___  Earn credits to transfer to a 4 year school (no degree desired at HVCC), or

            ___  Complete the pre-requisites and change to  the _________________________ curriculum


3.  The job or college(s) that I plan to enter after HVCC is (are):  ______________________________

            The career and/or major that I plan to pursue is:  _____________________________________


4.  This is my course selection for:  ___ Fall (Aug - Dec) 200___,    or   ____ Intersession (Dec - Jan)  200___

                                    ___ Spring (Jan - May) 200___,    or    ___ Summer  (May - Aug) 200___


5.  I plan to attend as a:  ____ Full time student, or   ____ Part time student


6.  I plan to receive Financial Aid for this semester:                  Yes, or   ___       No


7.  The courses that I plan to take this semester, to meet my academic goal at HVCC, are: 

            (pre-requisites for new curriculum, co-requisites for desired course, core courses in curriculum desired, etc.)


      Course #                     Section #            Course Title                                                Credit Hrs           
















8.  Schedule preference that I ____ must, or ____ would like to have for my class times: (one block of time only or indicate preferences in a priority manner with 1 being most important and so on.)


___ 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.     ___  10 a.m. - 2 p.m.     ___  11 a.m. - 5 p.m.     ___  6 p.m. - 9 p.m.

___ No Mondays     ___ No Tuesdays     ___ No Wednesdays     ___ No Thursdays     ___ No Fridays


For ANY OTHER PREFERENCES (More Specific Times or Instructors) YOU Must check the MASTER SCHEDULE (BRN 033) and indicate, in the column above, the Course Sections that you want!


I am aware that it is my responsibility to see an advisor, in the department of the curriculum I will be in that semester (see #3).



                                                                                                                                                ____________________________________________                                                                                                                                Signature